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'Material Remains', Guildhall Square, Southampton
'Deep Time' 2024

'Deep Time', 2024 (rammed earth, aluminium)

‘Deep Time’ (2024) at the ‘Material Remains’ group exhibition in Guildhall Square with ZING, ZEST Arts Collective Inclusive Group.

‘Sparked by an ongoing project where ZING artists are working with Southampton Cultural Services, the exhibition will present a conceptually visual journey into themes surrounding archaeology.’
‘Ongoing visits to the museum stores has allowed ZING artists to explore their collection of thousands of everyday items discovered in the city and uncover stories about their potential owners.’
‘This new collection of work will be displayed in and around repurposed shipping containers in Guildhall Square’.


​‘Deep Time’ is composed of locally sourced materials from both the natural and unnatural environments of Southampton. Formed into a singular block of rammed earth, (an ancient construction technique using compacted natural raw materials) the sculpture represents the process of sourcing and uncovering, followed by a reconstruction of the materials that surround us in the urban world. Compacted local earth, plasterboard, clay, sand, and cement form a shape resembling a building visible from Guildhall Square. The circular cast aluminium shape in contrast with the angular block reimagines the area’s geology, representing a small segment of the earth’s geological history which is otherwise incomprehensible to our human scale.

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